Thursday, July 14, 2005

In the Wild, Wild U.S.?

Coming up Weekend Special: Does the White House Discredit Everyone who Seeks to Report Facts Unfavorable to Ideology- Based Policies? Prissy investigates for Sunday.....

Old Quote for the New Day: "Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy."- Henry Kissinger .

Needless to say, Prissy doesn't share your view of foreign policy. Your kind, dear Sir, must considered pre-historic in their thinking. It is thankful you hold no position of relevancy in government today. It is no wonder Vietnam went on as long as it did. Your position is offensive to most decent Americans.

A Side Note: To the young Republican from Indiana University who attempted to hack The Prissy Patriot....Prissy knew kids in the prisons who deserved a college education far more than the likes of you.....hacking is a crime, you do know. I'm sure your parents are so proud of their spoiled child who despises free speech he does not agree with. Did Prissy mention she has a dear childhood friend who has been a well respected Professor there for years? Too bad for you....Perhaps one day you shall get picked up by a nice community college-but perhaps not.

Oh perhaps Prissy will forgive you, I realize reality vs. ideology is sometimes a difficult concept for the kind of child you are. Sites for Today Army Times Editorial: Nothing but lip service - Yes, Prissy agrees.... DOJ officials claim OKC Bombing coverup began in D.C.- By J.D. Cash and Lt. Col. Roger Charles, (U.S.M.C. retired) Forbes- US Should Pull Out of Iraq Right Now says former CIA Chief John Deutch- A man after Prissy's own heart! Kuwait News Agency in English- read all about US A Blog- by khalid jarrar-Tell Me a Secret Location:Baghdad, Iraq I am pro God, I am pro life, I am pro humanity, I am pro truth, and when the American government chooses to be against all that then damn it: I AM anti American-government. (This is a view you may not see in the regular news-PP) Iraqi Media Network- English- Southern Region of Iraq CNN says China seen more favorable than US since Iraq

Note to Scottie McClellon....Yes our image has been badly damaged by the war in Iraq, allies are finding China more appealing than the US. Please stop messing up this country, listen now or listen in Sept. 24, 25, and 26th -when the masses converge on D.C. to lobby Congress. It will be unlike any other event so far, in American history. You have no idea the groups coming together. Some are strongly to the right, and yet very much oppose these policies-especially the ones infringing on civil rights.

It delights Prissy to report these people have all agreed ahead of time-no talking about wedge issues; gay rights, abortion, religion or gun control. Not going to let it happen. Their concern is far deeper. They want our soldiers home, NOW. They want the erosion of their civil rights to stop NOW. That's it. Everyone will be on the same page-Republicans, Democrats and Independents.

Prissy suspects once the fall out is over, a lot of today's Republicans will be calling themselves Independents or even form a new Republican party. Prissy cannot wait, she is getting a new pink suit for the occasion.

Most of the American people and certainly all of the world wants this nonsense to stop. Politicians and the Media will be forced by the will of the American people to start acting like this is a Democracy and not their own little kingdom.....Nor is the American military their own personal goon squad.

It is not for the use of capturing resources to increase personal wealth and that of corporate friends. That's called Imperialism, and we don't allow that here. A military is for defense puposes- that is what we agreed upon long ago. Understand? Prissy's crystal ball says oh but you will.....

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