Give Them PrissyBalls, if Your Representatives are in Need....
Prissy says can you imagine what the reaction would be on Capital Hill if reps start getting PrissyBalls by the boatload? Maybe they will get the message BEFORE three million people converge on Washington DC, September 24,25 and 26 th, 2005.
If the people in charge recall anything about Vietnam, they will come to understand this protest will be nothing like those of the past. The crowds that Prissy has witnessed coming against this administrations policies are not ONLY college students. They are everyday taxpaying Americans who love their country so much, they will go to Washington - because they are tired of seeing policies they cannot support fail and harm not only America, but indeed the whole world.
Don't be surprised to see Senior Citizens busses in the Caravan to D. C.-these folks have time on their hands and they are concerned with the world their grandchildren will inherit. They see liberties vanishing, jobs being shipped overseas, the safety net of Social Security at risk and college opportunity evaporating for the middle class. They despise the war this country has been pushed into by bullies. They know Iraq and 911 are not connected. They are of the mind "What is that GW Bush going to do to me? I'm old and I've seen his kind before." Prissy loves older people who use their experiences and have developed the wisdom to see what we are being led into...they tell her, it doesn't look good. This President is very good at using or misusing his power as President, it reminds them of McCarthyism.
Instead of terrorism being contained, it is spreading like hot spots in a forest fire. Put out one spot and two more pop up in its place...When will they learn, this is why and how terrorism is effective. And why fighting it conventionally will not work.
Like it or not, engagement through negotiation is the only way. Our politicians need to face the truth, it is time we demand it. Send them PrissyBalls, and may they be wise enough to take the hint.....
The Salon meeting in Columbus Saturday night at the DelMonte building was a smashing success. Open to all, Prissy was cornered by an older gentleman who claimed to be a Democrat- he was cocksure the WMD had been scooped out of Iraq and hidden in Jordan and Syria. Poppycock, says Prissy. Gauging by the current ability and attitude of the resistance, if Iraq would have had them- they would have used them-not sent them to Syria or Jordan. The satellite photos of trucks and caravans of cars going into Syria prove only that people were leaving in droves just days before Baghdad was invaded-nothing else. You have no idea what was in those vehicles and there is no evidence, anywhere in Iraq of manufacturing laboratories capable of producing WMD. The United States uses state of the art searching devices, so please don't tell Prissy how hard they are to find.
And to say they always "retained the ability" is like saying Prissy's sister Lissy, retains the ability to cook because she has a kitchen. Meaningless, as Lissy still does not cook....
As for Jordan... Tsk, tsk, throwing our weight around at our allies has gotten us trouble in Italy and Spain that we did not need. In case you haven't noticed, the United States has slipped off the "A+ party" list...Italy, one of our dearest allies, now speaks to us through the press and they will be leaving Iraq in September 2005, instead of March 2006 as was previously agreed.
Spain has been mad ever since they got bombed and then told the FBI that American lawyer and Muslim Brandon Mayfield could not be the Madrid Bomber-they had fingerprints and they did not belong to Mayfield. (It was in the Spanish papers shortly after he was arrested)Despite that, they held him for two weeks without charges (thanks to the Patriot Act). Last Prissy heard, Mayfield was suing...Oh my, if they will take a lawyer's rights away like that, what would they do with the rest of us? Hurry, our Representatives need PrissyBalls....
Yes Prissy they need lot's of them-Used to be Republican, don't know what I am now...
We are all still Americans. Buck up and let's do what needs to be done. Politically speaking, it's time to clean out the WH, the House and the Senate and start over- we shall keep the Constitution :-)PP
Welcome to the Progressive Women Bloggers webring. :)
Thank you, I am honored!
Hugs, PP
Prissy, Your balls are a hoot! :-)
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