Friday, June 17, 2005

Prissy's Picks of the Day....

To All the daddies, Including Prissy's Own Big Papa Americana and the dear Mr. Patriot "Happy Father's Day" (Prissy will be busy cooking favorites, no news until Monday)

Alternative Media Check out "Why we are in Iraq" and Dr. Tillawi on Current Issues TV (Archives) presents Cindy Sheehan of Gold Star Families for Peace. The DOD and the President have refused to acknowledge Gold Star Families for Peace and Military Families Speak Out, publicly. The administration is only willing to acknowledge families who have agreed to sacrifice their loved ones lives for this mission. International governments dictionary with over 15,000 terms Montana's alternative newspaper-read about Bush

Military News soldiers for the Truth "I'm a soldier by choice and a writer by necessity. I've been to Iraq once already and I'm currently getting ready to deploy for a second time in the fall of 2005. These are my stories, my thoughts, and my fears as I prepare to go to combat and then finally make that long plane trip to the sandbox." Prissy honors our soldiers service, but not the Commander-In-Chief who is putting them in harm's way.

Corporate America Traitors to Our Soldiers?

Prissy is hearing from soldiers and customer service workers who are telling her the At & T phone cards never have the number of minutes on them that soldiers purchase, problems with cell phone companies (Sprint, by name) failing to defer solders accounts, allowing them to accrue late charges and cancellation fees. Prissy will look into this-do tell if you have stories, more ammo for Prissy to use on your behalf....

Lay-it-on Larry (DiRita) "You know, the polls move up and down, they go a lot of different directions. I think when people are here every day, that it's terrible in Iraq because a bomb went off, they wonder, jeez, maybe it's terrible in Iraq: a bomb went off. If you look at one indicator, the people who are there and know the most -- the Americans who are in Iraq and know the most about Iraq are our military. And in numbers we've probably not seen maybe in my lifetime, their recruit -- they're reenlisting 200 percent a goal, 150 percent a goal for units that have deployed to Iraq. So those individuals who are the most knowledgeable Americans of all think, jeez, it's something worth doing." (Presenter: Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs and Director of Operations, J-3 Lieutenant General James T. Conway Thursday, June 16, 2005 11:29 a.m. EDT -DOD Newsbriefing)

Reality flash to Larry..... Apparently it has not occurred to Mr. DiRita that a soldier can love the military, yet not politics in practice. MOST soldiers are against the war in Iraq, Mr. DiRita. It pains them to see their beloved American military misused in such a way. Commanders in the field are saying flat out, "There is no military solution to the problems in Iraq." On this Prissy stands firm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Prissy, I think 25% is too high!
:-) Keep up the good work!