Is It Time to Call In the "Calvary" to Save the Constitution? Not Just Yet
That number would be 2,456 American soldiers, countless Iraqi civilians 35,000-100,000+
Lay alma mater rebuffs endowment request
Deaton responded on Oct. 28 that the university "does not deem it appropriate to relinquish the monies."
That decision had support from the state attorney general's office and the university's Board of Curators, records show.
Lay was born in 1942 in the southern Missouri town of Tyrone. When he was 16, the family moved to Columbia, where Lay's father was pastor of a Baptist church.
He graduated from Missouri in 1964 with a bachelor's degree in economics, earning a master's degree in economics the following year. He was named Enron's chairman and chief executive officer in 1986.
Granny says the preachers kid is usually the worst...
Mehr News Iran Ahmadinejad, Chavez discuss ties, nuclear rights over the phone
Ahmadinejad expressed his appreciation to Chavez for his government’s support for Iran’s inalienable right to use nuclear technology for peaceful purposes.
Iran and Venezuela have scores of common objectives that have caused a strong bond between the two nations, he added.
Chavez, for his part, vowed to keep on backing the Islamic Republic’s nuclear rights, adding unity between independent states enables them to resist against the bullying powers’ pressure and move toward global peace.
Zogby Poll: Over 70 Million American Adults Support New 9/11 Investigation
According to Janice Matthews, executive director of, "To those who have followed the mounting evidence for US government involvement in 9/11, these results are both heartening and frankly quite amazing, given the mainstream media's ongoing refusal to cover the most critical questions of that day. Our August 2004 Zogby poll of New Yorkers showed nearly half believe certain US officials 'consciously' allowed the attacks to happen and 66% want a fresh investigation, but these were people closest to the tragedy and most familiar with facts refuting the official account. This revelation that so many millions nationwide now also recognize a 9/11 cover up and the need for a new inquiry should be a wake up call for all 2006 political candidates hoping to turn this country around. We think it also indicates Americans are awakening to the larger pattern of deceit that led us into Constitutional twilight and endless war, and that our independent media may have finally come of age."
Poll co-author, W. David Kubiak concurs, saying: "Despite years of relentless media promotion, whitewash and 9/11 Commission propaganda, the official 9/11 story still can't even muster 50% popular support. Since this myth has been the administration's primary source of political and war-making power, this level of distrust has revolutionary implications for everyone working for peace, justice and civil liberties. If we ever hope to reclaim this country, end aggression and restore international respect, we all must finally scrutinize that day when things started to go so terribly wrong. The media and movement leaders ignore this call at their peril, because tens of millions are clearly telling us here they are ready for 9/11 truth."
SCOPE: The poll covered five related areas: 1) Iraq - do Americans think the Bush administration exploited 9/11 to attack Iraq? (44% do, 44% don't); 2) Cover up - did the government and its 9/11 Commission conceal or refuse to investigate evidence that contradicts their official story? (only 48% said no); 3) the collapse of WTC 7, which was not even mentioned by the 9/11 Commission and has seldom been reported in the media---had respondents been aware of this collapse and, if so, did they think it should be investigated (only 52% had known about it, but over 70% of this group believe it should have been investigated); 4) new investigation of official complicity - do respondents think we need one? (only 48% said no); and 5) mass media - how do people rate its performance, including its coverage of alternative 9/11 theories, unanswered questions and inquiry issues? (43% rate it positively, 55% negatively). (The poll sponsors see knowledge of the collapse of World Trade Center Building 7 as a bellwether issue, because if people do not know this elementary fact, they have probably not been exposed to any independent 9/11 research at all. Because the number of respondents who support a new investigation of 9/11 (45%)) is roughly the same as the number who knew about the collapse of Building 7 (52%), it can reasonably be extrapolated that if the entire public were exposed to independent 9/11 research, about 90 percent would support a new investigation of the events of that fateful day.)
SPONSOR: is a coalition of researchers, journalists and victim family members working to expose and answer the hundreds of still unresolved questions concerning 9/11, especially the nearly 400 questions that the Family Steering Committee filed with the 9/11 Commission. Initially welcomed by the commissioners as their "road map," these queries cut to the heart of 9/11 crimes and accountability, specifically raising the central issues of motive, means and cui bono (who profited?). The Commission ultimately ignored 80% of these issues, however, opting only to explore system failures, miscommunications and incompetence. The victim families' most incisive questions remain unaddressed to this day.
For more information on the Chicago "9/11: Revealing the Truth, Reclaiming our Future" conference and other developments, see and
It's over for all of them now...John Edwards, be glad you were not in your Senate seat-there was nothing you could have done. With the angst of the voters Prissy seen as of late, she has a feeling if you were in-you are out-unless you are in the very select few.
Ted Strickland, John Conyers, Barbara Boxer,Cynthia McKinney, Russ Feingold are but a few that stood up and got creamed by the bullies they work beside. Al Gore will be rewarded for being a true American patriot too. All their trials and troubles will pay off. The meetings Prissy has been show republicans are onto them in the worst way. The solid republican base has turned. The neorepublicans left can only hang their heads in shame and attempt to help America dig out of this mess, for the rest of their term.
Coming back from Washington D.C. Prissy had a delightful conversation with one Democrat, one Marine also Republican and Prissy the Independent. This two time Bush voter, Marine, Gold star Uncle (Iraq, his nephew) Gold star nephew (a favorite 20 year old Uncle) told Prissy he was duped by the Dubya. He isn't a violent man, but he believes Dubya should be tried for what he has done to the world and to his own country. We met him while out for coffee on his way to go turkey hunting.
Randy of Pennsylvania told us this war is wrong and it makes him ashamed because this isn't what America is about. This is coming from a man that still doesn't like Bill Clinton. Randy said he is a Christian and he does indeed now see that George Bush is not. Randy was suspect of the way 911 was handled too...
When Randy left us that evening, he proudly wore the buttons we had given them "Impeach Bush" "Support Our Troops, Bring Them Home NOW" and "I Support Iraq Veterans Against the War"
During the first "Local Progressives" meeting, originated by a few democrats, there were mostly independents-but a fair number of republicans too. The true democracts of our citizenry, God Bless Them, are very angry at anyone who identifies themselves as republican. Prissy certainly understands their anger-after all, they blindly followed an incompetent politician into where we now are...
But regardless, in speaking to them -this is what made them not like Dubya. 911-That's right, they don't believe him in the ways we were made to believe it happened. Quite frankly, their knowledge stunned Prissy and the fact that they would not overlook physical evidence-these are the republicans Prissy used to know when she was out in the field. Turns out there is a whole bunch of them who know.
And boy are they mad.
TruthOut and other reliable news sources, are still claiming Jason Leopold, while not correct on all the details-will be vindicated in the end. Prissy agrees it really cannot end any other way. Rover was a little fish compared to the major bad boys.
Some say Leopold simply jumped out too far in front and Rover indictment is sealed, thus lack of formal announcement. UPDATE: Here is the latest on the Rover indictment situation TruthOut!Information Sharing on the Rove Indictment Story by Marc Ash, Executive Director - t r u t h o u t
Further, we know - and we want our readers to know - that we are dependent on confidential sources. We know that a report based solely on information obtained from confidential sources bears some inherent risks. We know that this is - by far - the biggest story we have ever covered, and that we are learning some things as we go along. Finally, we know that we have the support of those who have always supported us, and that must now earn the support of those who have joined us as of late.
We now move on to what we believe. (If you are looking for any guarantees, please turn back now.)
We believe that we hit a nerve with our report. When I get calls on my cell phone from Karl Rove's attorney and spokesman, I have to wonder what's up. "I" believe - but cannot confirm - that Mark Corallo, Karl Rove's spokesman gave Howard Kurtz of the Washington Post my phone number. I believe Howard Kurtz contacted me with the intention of writing a piece critical of our organization. I know that Anne Marie Squeo of the Wall Street Journal attacked us and independent journalism as a whole in her piece titled, "Rove's Camp Takes Center of Web Storm / Bloggers Underscore How Net's Reporting, Dynamics Provide Grist for the Rumor Mill." We believe that rolling out that much conservative journalistic muscle to rebut this story is telling. And we believe that Rove's camp is making a concerted effort to discredit our story and our organization.
Further - and again this is "What We Believe" - Rove may be turning state's evidence. We suspect that the scope of Fitzgerald's investigation may have broadened - clearly to Cheney - and according to one "off the record source" to individuals and events not directly related to the outing of CIA operative Valerie Plame. We believe that the indictment which does exist against Karl Rove is sealed. Finally, we believe that there is currently a great deal of activity in the Plame investigation.
Makes sense, considering all the laws which have been trashed by neorepublican factions of government. If the special prosecutor follows the law, there is just no way he cannot indict the two biggest felons of all...
But will Fitzgerald really do it? Based on his prior record the answer is yes, of course he will.
All Prissy can say is he had better...otherwise, someone has an obligation to the Constitution and they had best get the plan in gear.
Prissy will give Fitzgerald the benefit of a doubt, as he is an overly cautious professional. Prissy has told you before the press clippings alone can indict these goons and lo and behold, that is exactly what Fitzgerald has used for the defense discovery request in Scooter Libby's case.
Prissy wonders when the editors and owners of corporate financed media will remember to pretend they are loyal to American democracy. Apparently, they are still loyal to "Dubya's crown." Prissy has no love for their kind...
Have they forgotten what happens to traitors? They would not be the first business owners to be held personally liable or criminally negligent for their deeds by those they harmed with their yellow journalism. They are nearly as responsible for this mess as this cretin cabal is, themselves.
Media case law tells us the media can lie (no kidding, think Faux News) but within boundaries. For example: they cannot intentionally lie with a motive to do so, knowing that harm may come from the lie-like say, unnecessary soldier, and civilian deaths.
Just what would big media motive be? Could motive consist of being owned in part, by a defense contractor?
Now dearest readers, you already know the answer to that. Moreover, big media knows too, much like AT&T and other phone services. Was Qwest the only one with lawyers bright enough to state that what the government wanted from them was not legal? Oh, come now!
Corporate greed = bankruptcy- once a class action lawsuit against them is settled. If they don't think it can happen, they should carefully read media case law. It can and will. They have enraged middle America, the main stock of the US military.
They will pay for tossing over the American peoples' rights and human lives for profit. No one but the overpaid CEO's will shed a tear at their demise.
Another topic: Prissy attended a local "progressives" first meeting. More than 30 people turned out and they are mad as can be at the Dubya. Many were former Republicans! More later this evening.
PS- Prissy has had a lot of speaking engagements lined up and as a result wasn't able to post for a couple of days. Lucky for the audience, Prissy speaks better than she writes ;-)
Check back later this week for Betty Buckaneer's funny pictures "Separated at Birth?" as soon as Prissy can figure out how to post them.
Hot Links
Strike the Root Revolt in the Ranks? Be VERY Careful, Neocon by Douglas Herman
A few weeks ago, about the same time those high-ranking US generals were stating-- emphatically--their displeasure with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld and the conduct of the war in Iraq, ran a story on the Internet Wounded Soldiers Left in Debt.
The broad range of anger, frustration and regret on the forum surprised me. Three years ago the great majority of servicemen and women accorded the Bush administration carte blanche, out of a misguided sense of patriotism, for a war with a non-belligerent nation that had neither threatened nor attacked the U.S.
Now, three years later, the vehemence of these common soldiers and sailors should give any Neocon a great deal to think about. Dissent is common among unhappy soldiers; disgruntlement as common as the chevrons on our sleeves. Always has been and always will be. But whether any actual revolt in the ranks would ever occur within the US military is debatable. However, the Bush administration should be VERY careful. Just because a large scale mutiny among US soldiers has never occurred does not mean one will not.
Amateur historian and USAF veteran Douglas Herman writes for STR and authored The Guns of Dallas. He opposed the war before it began for dozens of reasons, all of them valid.
Warship built out of Twin Towers wreckage
The USS New York is being built in New Orleans using steel from the September 11 attack on the World Trade Centre (PAIGE EATON) IN A city still emerging from the floods of Hurricane Katrina, a ship has begun to rise from the ashes of the September 11 terrorist attacks. Bringing together America's two great calamities of the 21st century, the USS New York is being built in New Orleans with 24 tonnes of steel taken from the collapsed World Trade Centre.
There is no shortage of scrap metal in New Orleans these days, but the girders taken from Ground Zero have been treated with a reverence usually accorded to religious relics. After a brief ceremony in 2003, about seven tonnes of steel were melted down and poured into a cast to make the bow section of the shipÂs hull. Some shipworkers say the hairs stood up on the backs of their necks the first time they touched it. Others have postponed their retirement so they can be part of the project.
This somehow seems unholy...
Wired Did Verizon Block U.S. E-Mail?
People who were Verizon customers at the time of the e-mail filtering have until Aug. 9, 2006, to file a claim. Claimants can receive up to $49 if they lost correspondence from Europe and Asia, and Verizon customers who switched internet service providers because of the e-mail filtering and paid early termination fees can receive refunds.
Spam expert and attorney Ben Edelman, who consulted with the plaintiffs, said it is "very important that ISPs filter, but they make a serious effort to get it right." Edelman said he is unaware of other similar lawsuits or incidents of ISPs blocking e-mails based on their region of origin.
"The peculiar facts of how broad the blocking was made (this case) unusual," he said.
Wired Why We Published the AT&T Docs
The judge in the case has so far denied requests from the Electronic Frontier Foundation, or EFF, and several news organizations to unseal the documents and make them public.
AT&T claims information in the file is proprietary and that it would suffer severe harm if it were released.
Based on what we've seen, Wired News disagrees. In addition, we believe the public's right to know the full facts in this case outweighs AT&T's claims to secrecy.
As a result, we are publishing the complete text of a set of documents from the EFF's primary witness in the case, former AT&T employee and whistle-blower Mark Klein -- information obtained by investigative reporter Ryan Singel through an anonymous source close to the litigation. The documents, available on Wired News as of Monday, consist of 30 pages, with an affidavit attributed to Klein, eight pages of AT&T documents marked "proprietary," and several pages of news clippings and other public information related to government-surveillance issues.
The Prissy Patriot supports Wired News in their efforts to expose the truth to We the People!
Political Wire In Ohio, Strickland Keeps Double Digit Lead
In Ohio's gubernatorial race, a new Rasmussen Reports poll shows Rep. Ted Strickland (D-OH) leads Ken Blackwell (R) by 16-percentage points, 52% to 36%.
"The candidates began the year much closer than they are today with Strickland leading just 44% to 40% in our January survey. Since then, his lead has been in double digits every month."

Think Progress Bush on Low Approval: Brushes Aside Policy Concerns, Says People Are Just 'Unsettled'
GREGORY: Let me ask you about your leadership. In the most recent survey, your disapproval rating is now one point lower than Richard Nixon's before he resigned the presidency. You are laughing.
BUSH: I'm not laughing .(Yes, he was-pp)
GREGORY: Why? Why do you think that is?
BUSH: Because we are at war, and war unsettles people. Listen, we got a great economy. We've added 5.2 million jobs in the last two and a half years. People are unsettled.
GREGORY: But they're not just unsettled sir. They disapprove of the job you're doing.
BUSH: That's, that's unsettled.
Should you want to see for yourself what an idiot Bush sounds like, if you can stand it this is the clip
Al-Jazeera Kuwait clears Guantanamo inmates
Rights groups in Kuwait welcomed the decision to free the men.
"This ruling underscores what we were sure of all along, that our sons are innocent," Khaled al-Odah, head of a detainee support committee.
"They have been imprisoned unjustly for years at the American base and [this is] a stark breach of international and humanitarian laws by the American administration," he added.
Kuwait is a staunch US ally and host to thousands of US troops. It was the launching pad for the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003.
TBR News The Voice of the White House Prissy printing this one, due to interesting content.
Like Diebold, the voting machine company, ChoicePoint has been, and is, staunchly Republican, and as a case in point, they became heavily involved in Florida politics, being especially aggressive in the 2000 Presidential campaign. Earlier, in 1998 the state of Florida signed a 4 million dollar contract with Database Technologies (DBT Online), which later was merged into ChoicePoint, for the purposes of providing a central voter file listing those barred from voting. As of 2002, Florida was the only state that hired a private firm for these purposes. Prior to contracting with Database Technologies, Florida contracted with a smaller operator for 5,700 dollars per year. The state of Florida contracted with DBT in November 1998, following the controversial Miami mayoral race of 1997. The 1998 contracting process involved no bidding and was worth 2,317,800 dollars.
ChoicePoint has been criticized for knowingly using inaccurate data, and for racial discrimination. Allegations include listing voters as felons for alleged crimes said to have been committed several years in the future. In addition, people who had been convicted of a felony in a different state and had their rights restored by said state, were not allowed to vote despite the restoration of their rights. (One should note Schlenther v. Florida Department of State [June 1998] which ruled that Florida could not prevent a man convicted of a felony in Connecticut, where his civil rights had not been lost, from exercising his civil rights elsewhere) Furthermore, it is argued that people were listed as felons based on a coincidence of names, despite other data (such as date of birth) which showed that the criminal record did not apply to the voter in question
This firm cooperated with Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, and Florida Elections Unit Chief Clay Roberts, in a conspiracy of voter fraud, involving the central voter file, during the US Presidential Election of 2000. The allegations charge that 57,700 people (15% of the list), primarily Democrats of African-American and Hispanic descent, were incorrectly listed as felons and thus barred from voting
ChoicePoint Vice President Martin Fagan has admitted that at least 8,000 names were incorrectly listed in this fashion when the company passed on a list given by the state of Texas, these 8,000 names were removed prior to the election. Fagan has described the error as a "minor glitch". ChoicePoint, as a matter of policy, does not verify the accuracy of its data and argues that it is the user's responsibility to verify accuracy.
Choicepoint and Diebold are bad news for consumers. Let's not forget Wally O'Dell resigned from Diebold whefraudulent fraudlent activity began to make its way around the internet.
Mercury New Israeli prime minister seeks support for border security on U.S. visit
The Gaza pullout nevertheless officially ended Israel's 38 years of military rule over the 1.3 million Palestinians who live in the small territory. America's support was essential for Sharon, and Olmert is looking to follow the same path for the West Bank.
Olmert's meetings in Washington are primarily about building personal chemistry, and no dramatic announcements are expected. Still, the stakes for him "are extremely high," said David Makovsky, a senior fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a research center on Middle East affairs. "If he doesn't implement (his plan), his political future is bleak, as is his party's."
Nahum Barnea, a research fellow at the Brookings Institution's Saban Center for Middle East Policy in Washington, wrote Friday in an open letter to Olmert: "You are going to meet the only man who can give you wings. Without him, you are liable to be a fleeting episode. Together with him, you can change the world."
Israeli officials understand that they won't win U.S. support until they give peace talks at least one more chance. But the United States and Israel appear to be at odds over how much legitimacy to bestow on Abbas now that Hamas militants, who refuse to recognize Israel, are in power.
They expect Dubya to be the "negotiator"? But he's the decider...
Hat tip to Fitzgerald SNL: Funhouse with Bush: Real Audio Funny
Salon The virtual moneylender
The virtual world of Prosper offers a far more personal experience. Trading money on the site is an intensely social activity, in which lenders sit in constant judgment of the most intimate aspects of borrowers' lives, scrutinizing their financial histories and making public guesses about their responsibility. Successful borrowers, meanwhile, must convince lenders to part with their money, not only by disclosing their finances, but by pleading their cases directly, promising to work harder at managing their money.
And the process seems to be working. Many of the lenders on Prosper, for instance, know almost nothing about BusyLady52, not even her name (which she asked me not to publish). What they do know about her (a middling credit score, a couple of current delinquencies) is the sort of thing that would render her ineligible for a traditional loan. Yet lenders saw in her story some spark of genuine responsibility, a possibility that she'd do well if given a chance. More than 50 people got together to give her a total of $5,000 at a 16 percent rate. She now says she's determined to set her money straight again, if only to prove herself to those who invested in her. "Grateful?" she says. "When I got up this morning and saw the money in my account --- oh, you have no idea."
RAW Story Bush, Blair to announce 'phased withdrawal' from Iraq
LONDON -- Tony Blair and George Bush will announce that they are to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq at a summit in Washington as early as this week, RAW STORY has learned.
The process has already been carefully choreographed in an attempt to bolster the popularity of both Bush and Blair who have suffered domestically for their handling of the war.
The scope of the phased withdrawal, which will see the 133,000 US force levels cut to around 100,000 by the end of the year and British numbers almost halved, has already been agreed, one senior defence source said.
The actual announcement will come in response to a statement from Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki that his government believes coalition forces are no longer needed in a number of provinces.
Get them all home, NOW...Prissy would have told you, but thought it best to wait. She heard a couple of months ago, they had started pulling out. Reports of more troops being sent were confusing. Notice Germany stopped the last batch of troops before they were sent into Iraq. Notice Britian is a signer of International Criminal Courts. Apparently the German decision shook Tony up.
India Times Gujarat villages access Pak cell signals
GUNERI (Kutch district): When politicians on both sides of the border thought of confidence-building measures between India and Pakistan, they may not have had this in mind.
For, villages situated in certain pockets of Kutch can access Pakistani mobile phone services. And this is giving security agencies in Gujarat sleepless nights.
Officials are worried because any person using a Pakistani SIM card would be able to communicate with contacts in India and provide classified details to infiltrators without being detected.
These signals could even circumvent radio intercept installations in bases along the Indian border.
Atlanta Progressive Soldiers Led Peace Movement, Film Says
(APN) ATLANTA ' US soldiers led the Antiwar movement which brought an end the Viet Nam War, the movie 'Sir! No Sir!' has shown. Atlanta Progressive News was on hand as over 300 people packed the Midtown Art Cinema in Atlanta last week, with some standing in the back, for the opening night of 'Sir! No Sir!'
Many veterans and peace activists were in the audience and the crowd gave a standing ovation as the credits rolled and film maker David Zeiger, Jane Fonda, and Halim Gullahbemi took the stage for question and answer session.
Fonda was apparently overwhelmed by the response and said 'Wow, if I'd known there would be a theater full of people like you I would have moved to Georgia a lot sooner.
She then called on two young veterans of the US Invasion of Iraq to join them on stage-this brought another standing ovation from the crowd.
Defense Industry Daily Boeing Reaches Settlement with US Government Over Druyun Scandal and
South Korea to Buy Another 20 F-15K Fighters
Now the Korean Overseas Information Service notes that the ROKAF will purchase another 20 more F-15K multi-role aircraft beginning in 2009...
The $2 billion plan was approved during a defense ministry meeting as part of its mid-term arms acquisition project between 2007 and 2011. President Roh Moo-hyun will be required to endorse the plan, but this is deemed very likely. If so it will extend the F-15's production line until mid-2011, giving Singapore up to two more years to decide whether to exercise its option for 8 more F-15SGs.
Deconstructing George Bush
Quotes of the Day
If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.-- George Washington
The new constitution established a president with powers unheard of in the republican United States. Some even wanted him to be king, a thought that GW found ludicrous: What astonishing changes a few years are capable of producing! I am told that even respectable characters speak of a monarchical form of government without horror. From thinking proceeds speaking, thence to acting is often but a single step. But how irrevocable and tremendous! What a triumph for the advocates of despotism to find that we are incapable of governing ourselves, and that systems founded on the basis of equal liberty are merely ideal & fallacious!-- George Washington
I know [patriotism] exists, and I know it has done much in the present contest. But a great and lasting war can never be supported on this principle alone. It must be aided by a prospect of interest, or some reward.-- George Washington
"You cannot become thorough Americans if you think of yourselves in groups. America does not consist of groups. A man who thinks of himself as belonging to a particular national group in America has not yet become an American." --Woodrow Wilson